jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008




I AM Legend

Robert Neville is a brilliant scientist in New York. A terrible virus ravages the country, but Neville is immune to it. He isthe last human survivor in New York, and maybe in the world. But "The infected", infected mutant victims of the virus, are watching him. Can Neville develop a cure before it is too late? This scary thriller is for older teenagers.


A young girl named Lyra Belaqua lives in Oxford, England. The children there have been mysteriously desappearing. When Lyra's best friend Roger disappears, Lyra decides to go North to find him. She finds herself in a terrible and dangerous adventure. This is the first part of His Dark Materials, the trilgy by Philip Pullman.


An irresistible roleAfter making films, hayden was not planning to be a TV actress againg, but when she saw the script of Heroes, she couldn't resist. She loved the idea of having superpowers. "The series was such a great combination of everything. It's about powers, but it's also a human story", she says


Talking about preferences.

Clara- Where do you want to go on holiday this summer?
Amadeu- Er, I know, let's fo to England!
Clara- England? I'd rather go to London.
Amadeu- But it's hot there. Why can't we go to the cinema?
Clara- We could stay at the beach.
Amadeu- No, I don't like that idea.
Clara- Well, how do you fancy staying in a castle?
Amadeu- Yeah, that's a gret idea. We've never stayed in a castle!

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Asking for giving advice

Clara- Hey, Anna. Are you ok?
Amadeu- No, I don't feel very well.
Clara- Why, what's wrong?
Amadeu- I've got a headache.
Clara- Here you taken an aspirin?
Amadeu- Yes, I have but I still feel terrible.
Clara- Well, you should speaking to the teach. You really shouldn't do I.T.
Amadeu- Yes, I suppose you're right.

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Asking for permission

Clara- Dad, can I go to cinema with Pedro?
Amadeu- Yeah, sure.
Clara- Cool. Oh, and then can I go to golf?
Amadeu- No, you can't
Clara- Why not?
Amadeu- Becouse it's monday night, and you've got school tomorrow.
Clara- Ok. One more thing, can I borrow some money?
Amadeu-Yeah, Ok. I'll lend you . But I'll only lend you the money if you promise to tidy your room when you get back. Here you go.
Clara- Ok. I will. Thanks, Dad.

Dialogue: Agreeing and disagreeing

Amadeu - What's your favourite computer game, Clara?
Clara - I'm really like Sims 2 mascotes
Amadeu - So do I. I think that it's a great game.
Clara - Do you know the game Socer Slam 4?
Amadeu- Yes, but I don't like it.
Clara - Neither do I. It's very soning game.
Amadeu - Really! I don't think so. I prefer adventure ga,mes on cartoons games.

Dialogue:A polosing

Amadeu- Hey! Girl, hang on a minute.

Clara - Oh, no. I think were in trouble
Amadeu - I saw you lane the gate open.
Antonieta - Oh, I'm sorry. We forgot to close it.
Amadeu - If you leave the gate open, my hourses will go into the other fied.
Clara - Oh. Sorry, we didn't ralise.
Amadeu- Can you remember next time please.
Clara - Ok. We didn't meant to cause a problem. We'll go and close it.

Dialogue: Asking for travel information

Clara- Hello, a return ticket to Exeter, please.

Amadeu- OK, but you need to change at Oxford street.
Clara - That's fine. How long does the journey take?
Amadeu - About 3 and a half hours.Clara - I'm fourteen.
Amadeu - Well, you need a child's ticket, then, that's 24,50
Clara - Thanks

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Dialogue: At the ticket office
Amadeu - HelloClara - Hi, i'd like 3 tickets, please.

Amadeu - Certainly. How old are you?
Clara - I'm fourteen and my other sister are twelve.
Amadeu - All right. So that's 3 chilt. That's $9 at together please.
Clara- Ok here you are
Amadeu - Thanks. Here's your change and your tickets. Enjoy your visit.

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Dialogue: Making arrangaments
Amadeu - Hi Clara. I've gpt a mew DVDDo you want to play i twilth me?

Clara - Yeah. Of course. When?
Amadeu - How about Friday morning?
Clara - Sorry, I'm busy. I'm going to the cinema with my family.
Amadeu - I'm free on Sunday morning. What about you
Clara - I'm not doing anything Amadeu - Great. Det's meet on Saturday them. Doyou want to come round to my house at six o'clock
Clara - Yes, all right. Se you!!Bye,Bye!!

Dialogue: Phoning a friend
Amadeu's dad- Hello?

Clara- Hi,it's Clara. Is Amadeu there, please?
Amadeu's dad - Er,yeah, leang on a minute.
I'll just get lie. Amadeu!
Amadeu - Hello?
Clara - Hi Amadeu. It's Clara. Do you want to come raund to night? I'm going to cinema.
Amadeu - Yeah. OK. What time?
Clara - About six o'clock
Amadeu - Ok. See you later!

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miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008



In this survey, I asked ten people in my class about the sport they have played this week. I also asked them about adventures sports.

Most people in my class have played sport this week. Fifty per cent have played football. Three person has don judo, and 7 people have played basketball.

Half the class have tried an adventure sport. A few people have tried kayaking and two people have tried climbing. No one has tried mountaing biking.

Graffity text